She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. (Proverbs 31:25) “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”
What is a Mother
Webster’s dictionary defines her simply as: a female parent. The bible defines her as: a woman who keeps loving her children through the entire life. But there are so many other words that define who this woman truly is.
In most households she is the one who is first to rise to start the morning breakfast and last to bed to ensure that everything has been completed and that her family has been well taken care of. She is the caretaker of the home, the nurse maid for when we get bruised, or the counselor and the friend on those days when we are feeling lost or alone. And with all that she does, no matter how tired she may be, she always finds a minute in the day to tell us just how special we are.
There is no dollar amount that could pay her what she is worth. The bible even describes her as far better than rubies. She can be playful at times, will fight when necessary and has the power to scorn you with just a look. Often times she’s been referred to as a “Super woman”, but she will just politely say, no I’m just a mother.
Despite the countless dishes she has washed, the mounds of clothes she has folded and put away; the numerous hours at the grocery store and standing over a stove to ensure her family is well feed, often times without a thank you or even a thought or concern, she does what is needed for her family.
An Incredible Woman Worthy of Honor
Yet remains content if none is given because she knows God has chosen her to be the caretaker of His gifts. And though she may have days when she is worn out and weary, just a lovingly glance at her children sleeping safely in their beds or when they are older that random call just to say “I love you”, is all she needs to give her the strength to go on and simply say, I don’t mind because it is a labor of love.
So, we take a moment to give honor to all of the “Super Women” aka mothers and to say to them two words-thank you.
Happy Mother’s Day
May 9, 2021 | Elder Donna Timms